Our activities

Training and journeys of growth and schooling

The trainings are based on acquiring  self-knowledge through learning and experimenting personal growth tools and techniques

Weekend seminars on the topic of spirituality and healing

Connecting with the spiritual dimension and with one’s soul are the fundamental resources to find peace and serenity.

Weekend seminars on the topic of family and couple

Transform conflicts and misunderstandings in a relationship relying on contact and dialogue, to be at peace with oneself and with those we care for most.

Summer projects

A unique vacation at the seaside surrounded by nature dedicated to body and soul, while practicing bodily activities, healing rituals and meditation.

Weekly labs

The workshops are open from October to June

A space for oneself to lighten the everyday life and to cultivate health and balance in the body, mind and soul.

Individual pathways

A support in everyday life to deal with the ups and downs of life, to get out of states of depression and anxiety and regain confidence in our inner resources.

Centro Arpa - via Poggio della Pieve 10/A Bagno a Ripoli (Fi) tel. 055 6821284 - P.Iva 00179318886